Here are my answers to Week 2 questions.
Day 8: What age do you feel?
I feel 28 in terms of maturity, and 82 in terms of how exhausted I am.
Day 9: What change do you want to make?
I want to be more independent and also be physically stronger.
Day 10: What is the last dream you remember?
I was on stage performing with Taylor Swift at her concert.
Day 11: Rate your happiness today on a scale of 1 to 10.
10 — I finally received my 2022 tax returns from Canada, LOL. Seven months after I filed it. $3300 to go towards my winter semester later this year.
Day 12: What famous person would you like to meet?
I’d like to meet Taylor Swift. I’d ask her why she hasn’t spoken out about Gaza.
Day 13: Who in your life is most like you?
I think, for now, it’s Maggie? She’s been the person I’ve been to the Gaza marches with. She and I love just vegetating at the pool (mostly for the sauna room), we believe in many similar values and are soft-hearted, but also try our best to engage in strong advocacy.
Day 14: What color best describes your mood today?
I’m feeling happy and grateful for the past week today, so it would have to be pink, my favorite color.
Alessia and I got back from Vancouver this evening after the loveliest weekend. For Christmas, she had gifted me a studio session to do an awkward pose photoshoot, so we went to do it yesterday, and I believe we smashed it. We’d pre-planned some poses and we kept laughing through the half an hour.
Today, we went to Dhuha’s housewarming party at her new place. She lives at Koala Court so the party was koala-themed and super cute. Her baby girl, Laila, was asleep for most of when we were there, but Dhu and her family provided so much good food. Alessia and I had sandwiches and pasta hors d’oeuvres and meat skewers, and those really good lemon square bars from Granville Island. We happened to sit at the dining table with Dhu’s younger sister and her two friends, they’re all grad students at UBC, so Dhu called us the students’ union/kids’ table, and it was so fun and enjoyable.
We’d brought a couple of tokens for the white elephant gift exchange, and I got some small gifts for Laila too, but when we left, Dhu had us each pick out a mug and fill it with some goodies for our door gifts. I left with a homely pink ceramic mug, filled with a belif eye cream, some artisanal hot chocolate, a lemon-lavender-vanilla soy candle (that’s burning in my room right now), a bath bomb and a lip balm, and Alessia got an original Beauty Blender (she checked hahaha), so we both left with much more than we came with. It was a lovely afternoon, and I’m always so glad to mingle with Singaporeans. When my semester quiets down, I’m gonna try to visit them again. From Dhu’s Instastories of her, I can see Laila definitely is turning out so bright and precious.