Friday, March 8, 2024


Day 50: When was the last time you were really angry?
Two weeks ago, at the statement the board made.

Day 51: On what do you spend way too much money?
My education.

Day 52: When was the last time you cried?
Probably when I was angry at the statement and all the different factors surrounding the situation.

Day 53: What do you see outside of your window?
My neighbors’ house behind a fence. 

Day 54: What struggle are you happy to have behind you?
Trying to reconcile religious faith and moral values (the values prevailed!).

Day 55: What promise have you kept?
I have so far managed to stick it out in school, making my family proud, despite all sorts of struggles.

Day 56: What is the first thing you did this morning?
I brushed my teeth.

Day 57: How famous would you like to be?
I’d like to be as famous as AOC, for doing similar things. 

Day 58: What are the top qualities of your perfect mate?
He is respectful, thoughtful, kind, generous, consistently affectionate, slightly naughty, leftist, a good communicator, goes to therapy, likes to cuddle, and has cats.

Day 59: When life gives you lemons, what do you do?
I’d probably start by crying about it, try to change it, talk about it at therapy. 

Day 60: When have you taken a leap of faith?
When I came to Canada for my studies, and when I ran for Women Students’ Rep at the Students’ Union for the first time.

Day 61: Who makes you feel appreciated?
Alessia, Leah, Maggie.

Day 62: What is your favourite day of the week?
Friday, because you can anticipate the weekend.

Day 63: What about your life is different than you expected it to be?
I didn’t really think I’d move and live so far away from my family, not until the last six to seven years of my life.


It is yet another weekend. You know what’s weird? I’ve been embroiled in so many politically-charged situations in the past few months or so. There are hush-hush whisperings about people and their political leanings, there have been suspicions about who did what and to whom, I’ve tried to learn who the “safe” professors are in school so that I know when I can do projects about things I really believe in, as opposed to pretending to care about meaningless, filler content. I’ve never liked to do this, the acts and airs, but recently I’ve been putting up a front in some professional situations, because apparently some people in advocacy aren’t really true advocates, more than they enjoy the comfortable positions that they’ve held for a long time. It sucks, and it makes me feel icky about myself, but then I did study politics, and I do intend to work somewhere in the political realm in future. Yuck, yuck, yuck. We’ve got about a month to go to the end of this semester and for summer break to start. I cannot fucking wait. This semester needs to die in a hellfire, as does Israel.